From toys to tools, smart lighting to smart healthcare, and intelligent buildings to smart cities, Bluetooth® technology, the preferred technology of the IoT, has been unlocking innovative application scenarios and accelerating the future of smart living. According to the 2023 Bluetooth Market Update,  annual shipments of Bluetooth device network devices will achieve 2.63 times growth from 2023 to 2027, reaching 1.63 billion by 2027.

Factory 4 mesh square

Dusun has been diving into the R&D of Bluetooth enabled IoT solutions for years, creating a wide range of innovative applications based on Bluetooth gateways, especially in smart lighting systems and smart retail. Dusun uses Bluetooth technology to address many challenges, help increase the accuracy of remote control device networks, and improve cost and efficiency for customers.

Recently, I talked with Ms. Mia Zhao, marketing manager with Dusun IoT, about the innovation and development of Bluetooth IoT application scenarios.

Q&A with Mia Zhao from Dusun IoT

What are the main applications of Dusun’s Bluetooth IoT solutions?

Dusun IoT introduced programmable Bluetooth® Mesh gateways and Bluetooth sensors as our core Bluetooth enabled products. We adopt the latest version of Bluetooth protocols and support various Bluetooth IoT applications, including Bluetooth Angle of Arrival (AoA) positioning and Bluetooth Mesh lighting control.

What problems have you solved with Bluetooth LE in intelligent lighting, retail management, and others?

As for intelligent lighting, Dusun enables long-range, multi-node communication while supporting interoperability between devices and enterprise-level security based on Bluetooth Mesh, helping customers remotely and efficiently manage lighting power consumption to reduce carbon emissions.

In retail management, Dusun offers environment monitoring for retail outlets and temperature monitoring for cold chain transportation based on Bluetooth beacons, allowing for timely and efficient temperature and humidity regulation to avoid losses.

Dusun developed a programmable Bluetooth® gateway that supports enterprise applications based on Bluetooth Mesh, enabling easy networking of high-capacity nodes, the long-range transmission of Bluetooth signals, and one-to-many communication. It also supports edge computing, Bluetooth roaming, and location services, meeting enterprise-level security, reliability, and scalability.

Features like low power consumption, low cost, unified and open standards, usability, and a relatively large existing and incremental market are critical to us.


The Bluetooth® Market Update

The Bluetooth® Market Update provides updated forecasts and trends in key Bluetooth solution areas and highlights Bluetooth use cases that will drive future growth.


Could you please share a few case studies that illustrate these applications?

Bluetooth Mesh Control Systems for Plant Growth Lamps

Lighting, temperature, humidity, pH, CO2 levels, and other factors can significantly affect the growth of plants in indoor plant factories, and managing these factors requires massive manpower and resources. Dusun works with many lighting manufacturers on Bluetooth® Mesh applications, embedding Bluetooth Mesh communication modules into luminaries, which are widely used in the indoor plant-growth lighting industry. The Bluetooth Mesh gateway acts as the hub of the lighting system for precise control of the switching and intensity of luminaries to provide the right amount of light that helps plants grow when needed. It also uses built-in algorithms and environmental sensors deployed at the site to offer fine-grained and effective control of plant lighting based on the plant growth cycle and rhythm, reducing lighting load and energy costs.

Manufacturing Mesh

For example, Dusun embedded Bluetooth Mesh modules into the plant lamps of the indoor planting technology company 4d-bio and combined the Bluetooth gateway with the home assistant platform to control various functions of the plant lamps, including switch, brightness adjustment, and CCT (color temperature) adjustment to meet plant growth needs. We also incorporate the temperature and humidity sensors into the Bluetooth Mesh device network to help our customers build a complete intelligent planting solution. Lamps with Bluetooth Mesh modules can automatically adjust the brightness and color temperature based on feedback from the temperature and humidity sensors. The Dusun Bluetooth gateway simultaneously controls the temperature and humidity sensors and grow lighting, which are intelligently managed through the home assistant platform.

In addition, with Bluetooth® Mesh, Dusun helped the Fosun AIoT farm vertical agriculture lab create an intelligent management solution for the ical agriculture hydroponics lab. The IoT approach enables rapid growth of hydroponic plants in a green, healthy, and eco-friendly way; it is an emerging attempt to create an IoT agriculture in the indoor agricultural hydroponics industry.

As all devices are part of the Bluetooth Mesh network, the lab can easily monitor the growth of the plants and adapt conditions like lighting intensity or ambient temperature. For example, the lab can deploy Bluetooth sensors near the plants to sense data such as carbon dioxide, ozone levels, water temperature, and humidity, reading and adjusting this data in real time on a mobile app. With the Dusun Bluetooth Mesh gateway, customers can remotely adjust the frequency/brightness light color, and color temperature of different spectrums to accelerate the growth of different kinds of vegetables. By allowing water pumps to join the network of Bluetooth Mesh devices, managers can easily monitor and remotely operate them on the mobile app, activating the pump to drain the nutrient solution that offers plant roots nutrients and saves resources.

AoA Positioning, Enabled by Bluetooth Direction Finding, for Equipment Management in Coffee Chains

The operating cost of a coffee shop usually includes rent, shop decoration, production equipment, and staff management, the highest of which is production equipment. The large amount of equipment and raw materials required for coffee production must be monitored and managed at the backend of the shop, but the staff is often too busy with frontend production and customer reception to monitor the use of various equipment at the backend. Employing additional staff will increase the operating cost of the shop.

Bluetooth® technology will continue its iteration of enriching sophisticated applications.

To improve operational efficiency, a well-known coffee chain purchased and connected the Dusun Bluetooth® edge computing gateway to its coffee shop management system. The Bluetooth edge computing gateway collects and then transmits data on the usage of coffee machines, ice machines, and raw material storage equipment to the shop’s APP through network ports, Wi-Fi, or 4G cellular and cloud terminal communication. This enables online management of equipment status and energy consumption as well as monitoring raw material storage and usage in the shop’s back area. This approach can efficiently save labor costs and allow for real-time detection of equipment abnormalities and energy consumption to better improve efficiency.

How do you think Bluetooth technology will influence the growth of IoT markets in the future?

Given the huge existing market for Bluetooth® technology and the support and leadership from the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), Bluetooth technology will continue its iteration of enriching sophisticated applications, such as AoA/AoD positioning and other location service use cases enabled by Bluetooth Direction Finding. Furthermore, thanks to its easy connectivity with smart devices, such as mobile phones, I believe Bluetooth technology will bridge the communication between smart devices and other IoT protocol-based solutions.


Bluetooth Networked Lighting Control

Bluetooth® Networked Lighting Control systems are deployed in offices, retail, healthcare, factories, and other commercial facilities to deliver a combination of energy savings, an enhanced occupant experience, and more efficient building operations.


Factory 4 mesh square



先日、Dusun IoTのマーケティングマネージャー、ミア・ジャオ(Mia Zhao)氏に、Bluetoothが支えるIoTアプリケーションシナリオのイノベーションと開発についてお話を伺いました。

Dusun IoTのミア・ジャオ氏とのQ&A

DusunBluetooth IoTソリューションは主にどのようなアプリケーションに使用されていますか。

Dusun IoTでは、Bluetooth対応製品の中核として、プログラム可能なBluetooth®︎ meshゲートウェイとBluetoothセンサーを用意しています。当社では最新バージョンのBluetoothプロトコルを採用し、Bluetooth AoA(Angle of Arrival、受信角度)による測位とBluetooth meshによる照明制御など、各種Bluetooth IoTアプリケーションに対応しています。

インテリジェント照明、リテールマネジメントやその他において、Bluetooth LEで解決した課題にはどのようなものがありましたか。

インテリジェント照明に関しては、DusunではBluetooth meshをベースとすることで、長距離・マルチノード通信を可能にすると同時に、デバイス間の相互運用性とエンタープライズレベルのセキュリティを実現しています。顧客が遠隔制御で効果的に照明の電力消費を管理できるよう支援し、二酸化炭素の排出量削減に役立っています。


Dusunでは、プログラム可能なBluetooth®︎ゲートウェイを開発しました。これはBluetooth meshに基づき、エンタープライズアプリケーションに対応しています。これにより高容量ノードのネットワーク構築が容易になり、Bluetooth信号の長距離伝送、1対多通信も可能になります。さらにエッジ コンピューティング、Bluetoothローミング、位置情報サービスにも対応し、エンタープライズレベルのセキュリティと信頼性、拡張性を実現します。



Bluetooth meshを使用した植物育成ライト制御システム

屋内植物工場では、照明、温度、湿度、pH、CO2レベルその他の要素が植物の成長に大きく影響する可能性がありますが、これらの要素の管理には多くの人手とリソースが必要になります。DusunではBluetooth®︎ meshアプリケーションについて数多くの照明メーカーと協力し、屋内植物育成用照明業界で広く使用されている照明器具にBluetooth meshの通信モジュールを搭載しています。Bluetooth meshゲートウェイは照明システムのハブとして機能し、照明器具の切り替えや明るさの調整を精確に制御し、植物の育成に必要な明るさを必要なときに供給します。また、組み込まれたアルゴリズムと育成場に設置された環境センサーを活用することで、照明制御を植物の成長サイクル・成長リズムに基づいて細かく効果的に行い、電灯にかかる負荷と電力コストを削減します。

Manufacturing Mesh

実例として、Dusunでは屋内植物育成テクノロジー企業である4d-bioの植物育成ライトにBluetooth meshモジュールを埋め込み、Bluetoothゲートウェイをホームアシスタントプラットフォームと組み合わせて、育成ライトのスイッチ、明るさ調整、CCT(色温度)調整などの各種機能を植物の成長に合わせて制御できるようにしました。また、 Bluetooth meshデバイスネットワークに温度・湿度センサーを組み込み、総合的なインテリジェント植物育成ソリューションの構築を可能にしています。Bluetooth meshモジュールを備えたライトでは、温度・湿度センサーからのフィードバックに基づき、明るさと色温度を自動調整できます。DusunのBluetoothゲートウェイは温度・湿度センサーと育成ライトを同時に制御し、ホームアシスタントプラットフォームによるインテリジェントな管理が可能です。

これに加え、Bluetooth® mesh関連では、Fosun AIoT垂直農業ラボによる、水耕農業ラボ用インテリジェント管理ソリューションの構築も支援しています。 IoTのアプローチによって、健康的かつ地球と環境に配慮した方法で水耕植物の成長を促進できます。これは屋内水耕栽培におけるIoT農業の新しい取り組みです。

すべてのデバイスがBluetooth meshネットワークの一部であるため、ラボでは、容易に植物の成長を監視し、照明の明るさや室温などの条件を調整できます。たとえば、植物の近くにBluetoothセンサーを設置し、二酸化炭素やオゾンのレベル、水温、湿度などを計測し、モバイルアプリでリアルタイムにデータの読み取りと設定調整が可能です。DusunのBluetooth meshゲートウェイを使用すれば、照明の周波数・明るさや異なるスペクトルの色温度を遠隔調整して、さまざまな野菜の成長を加速できます。送水ポンプをBluetooth meshのデバイスネットワークに加えることにより、管理者はモバイルアプリでの遠隔監視と操作が容易になります。それによってポンプを操作して植物の根に栄養を届ける栄養溶液を送り出すことができ、リソースも節約できます。





Bluetooth®︎技術が既に獲得している巨大な市場と、Bluetooth SIG(Special Interest Group)による支援とリーダーシップを考えると、Bluetooth技術は今後も高度なアプリケーションの拡充を繰り返していくと思います。具体的には、Bluetooth方向検知機能によって実現されるAoA・AoD測位や、その他の位置情報サービスのユースケースが考えられます。加えて携帯電話などスマートデバイスとの接続が容易なことから、Bluetooth技術は将来的に、スマートデバイスと他のIoTプロトコルベースのソリューション間で行われる通信における、架け橋としての役割を担うと考えています。

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2021 Bluetooth® Market Update

Supported by updated forecasts from ABI Research and insights from several other analyst firms, the Bluetooth Market Update highlights the latest Bluetooth trends and forecasts.

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2020 Bluetooth® Market Update

Supported by updated forecasts from ABI Research and insights from several other analyst firms, the Bluetooth Market Update highlights the latest Bluetooth trends and forecasts.

How to Make Wearables Bluetooth Mesh Provisioners

Learn how to create applications for smartwatches and other platforms that can monitor and control nodes in a Bluetooth mesh network.

2019 Bluetooth® Market Update

Supported by updated forecasts from ABI Research and insights from several other analyst firms, the Bluetooth Market Update highlights the latest Bluetooth trends and forecasts.

Lighting as a Platform

See how connected lighting systems are being used as a platform to enable advanced building services like wayfinding, asset tracking, and space utilization to improve the ROI of smart building investments.

An Introduction to the Bluetooth Mesh Proxy Function

Learn how to create applications for smartphones and other platforms which can monitor and control nodes in a Bluetooth mesh network.

Build a Smarter Building with Blue

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Overview – Bluetooth Mesh Networking

A quick overview outlining how Bluetooth mesh uniquely meets the reliability, scalability, and security requirements of commerical and industrial markets.

Bluetooth SIG tools will be offline for system upgrades from 9PM 14 March-7PM 16 March UTC.Learn more
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