Channel Sounding: Technical Overview (Pt 2)

In Part 1 we introduced the new Bluetooth distance measurement innovation known as Channel Sounding (technical overview) which measures Round-Trip Time (RTT) and/or Phase-Based Ranging (PBR) between two Bluetooth Low Energy devices to achieve accuracy down to 10cm. To make these measurements, both devices alternatively transmit and receive signals in a coordinated fashion.

Unlocking Healthcare Potential: SPP and Bluetooth® LE for Medical Devices

The Serial Port Profile (SPP) has long been a well-known standard for wireless serial communication essentially eliminating the need for physical serial cables, providing a flexible and convenient solution for device communication, particularly in scenarios where traditional cables are cumbersome or limiting. However, the rise of Bluetooth® Low Energy (LE) brings a new dimension in […]

Three Reasons Why Retailers Are Shifting to Bluetooth® for Electronic Shelf Labels

As retailers focus on ways to optimize store operations and improve customer experiences, electronic shelf labels (ESLs, also referred to as Digital Shelf Labels or DSLs) have become increasingly strategic in the evolution of the physical store. The number of ESLs deployed globally is expected to grow by 15-18% annually through 2030, and the use […]

What to Know About Industry 4.0

With smart technology and IoT forming the foundation of our digital landscape, Industry 4.0 has finally arrived. Industry 4.0 (also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution or smart manufacturing) is reshaping how we think about industrial and manufacturing processes. Imagine factories where decisions are made in real-time, productivity soars, and the supply chain becomes more […]

Coffee → Max Throughput → More Bluetooth® Testing

Recently, while sipping on our americanos and lattes, conversation moved to our series of Bluetooth® testing adventures and what the next one should possibly be. Seeing as we were drinking coffee to maximize our own throughput, our intern’s lightbulb went on with a great idea: Why not measure the over-the-air (OTA) throughput of our AIROC™ […]

Creating More Efficient Asset Tracking with OnLogic

Imagine a complex manufacturing process – like building an airplane. Getting the right parts, the right tools and the right people to the right place at the right time would certainly be a major challenge. To orchestrate all these moving parts, you first need to understand the real-time location of every single element.

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