Channel Sounding CR_PR Draft

The Channel Sounding and Channel Sounding HCI Updates documents together specify the changes to the Bluetooth Core Specification required to add the Channel Sounding feature, which specifies methods and provides information for estimating the distance between two Bluetooth Low Energy devices. 

The Bluetooth Core Specification, Version 5.4, can be downloaded for additional context at the Core Specification 5.4 landing page. Each section title in the Channel Sounding CR and the Channel Sounding HCI Updates CR references the number and title of the section being added or modified in the Bluetooth Core Specification. Conventions that distinguish the proposed changes from the current adoption are described in Section 2 of each CR.

2024-05-31: Replaced “TBD” values with their proposed final values through integration of issues ID23446, ID23510, and ID24668. Each specific change compared to the initial draft is noted with tags in purple font indicating the applicable issue ID number.

Implementers may provide feedback by emailing [email protected].

Development assigned to: Core Specification Working Group
Provide feedback: [email protected]
Related NWP(s): High Accuracy Distance Measurement
Safety Relevant Distance Estimation
Related FRD:  Core High-Accuracy Distance Measurement
Related Specification(s): Core Specification
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Channel Sounding CR_PR PDF
Channel Sounding HCI Updates CR_PR PDF
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