NLC Shipments FINAL
Figure 1: Wireless Shipments Trends

Lighting control systems feature an intelligent network of individually addressable and sensor-rich luminaires and control devices that allows each component of the system to send and receive data. Increasingly deployed in offices, retail, healthcare, factories, and other commercial facilities, lighting control solutions deliver a combination of energy savings, an enhanced occupant experience, and more efficient building operations.

Lighting Free From Wires

Bluetooth® Networked Lighting Control (NLC) systems allow equipment to be deployed where distance restrictions or accessibility makes wired solutions impractical. Figure 1 highlights that wireless lighting control shipments will overtake wired lighting control shipments by 2027.


Bluetooth Mesh Networking

Bluetooth® Mesh Networking enables the creation of large-scale device networks and is ideally suited for control, monitoring, and automation systems where hundreds or thousands of devices need to communicate with one another.


The shift from wired to wireless lighting control solutions is being driven by three main advantages of wireless systems.

70 75 reduction in energy costs achieved through connected lighting and advanced lighting controls

  • Greater Design Flexibility: Wireless systems allow for optimal placement of switches, lights, and other equipment, including places where it would be impractical, if not impossible, for pre-configured wired systems. In addition, wires are fixed, but spaces and layouts change and lighting control systems must adapt with them. Wireless systems are more easily reconfigurable and provide superior flexibility compared to wired offerings.
  • Lower Cost of Deployment: Without the need to pull control wires, wireless lighting controls offer significantly lower deployment costs. Decreased labor and material costs, minimum disruption to business operations during installation, and reduced ongoing maintenance costs combine to bring substantial savings to building owners and managers, particularly in retrofits.
  • Future of Extensibility: Lighting control systems must often grow and evolve to accommodate changes in the size or layout of a building or space. Once deployed, wireless systems are far more extensible than wired counterparts and can more easily add advanced controls and expand to meet changing business needs and occupant requirements.

Bluetooth Networked Lighting Control

Bluetooth® Networked Lighting Control (NLC) is the only full-stack standard for wireless lighting control. It is specifically designed to meet the scale, reliability, and security demands required in commercial settings. By offering standardization from the radio through the device layer, Bluetooth NLC enables true multi-vendor interoperability and mass adoption of wireless lighting control.

Learn more about Bluetooth® Networked Lighting Control.


Networked Lighting Control

Bluetooth® networked lighting control systems are deployed in offices, retail, healthcare, factories, and other commercial facilities to deliver a combination of energy savings, an enhanced occupant experience, and more efficient building operations.




Bluetooth®︎ NLC(Networked Lighting Control:ネットワーク照明制御)に基づくシステムでは、距離や場所による制約から配線が難しい場合でも、器具の設置が可能です。図1に示されるように、2027年までには照明制御製品におけるワイヤレスと有線の出荷台数が逆転すると予想されています。


  • Picture2


  • 設置コストが低下:ワイヤレス照明制御システムは配線を必要としないため、設置コストを大幅に抑えられます。作業費と資材費を削減でき、設置時に発生する業務への妨げが最小限で、保守にかかるランニングコストも抑えられるため、ビルのオーナーや運営者にとっては、特に改修時に大きなコスト削減につながります。
  • 将来的な拡張性の向上:照明制御システムは、建物や空間の大きさやレイアウトの変更に伴い、しばしば拡張やグレードアップが必要になります。設置後であっても、ワイヤレスシステムは有線のシステムに比べてはるかに拡張性が高く、ビジネスニーズや施設利用者のニーズの変化に合わせて、高度な制御機能の追加や規模拡大が可能です。

Bluetooth NLC

Bluetooth®︎ NLCはワイヤレス照明制御で唯一のフルスタック標準規格で、特に商用環境で求められるスケール、信頼性、セキュリティに対応できるよう策定されています。無線層からデバイス層にわたる標準化によって、Bluetooth NLCはマルチベンダー間の真の相互運用性を実現し、ワイヤレス照明制御の幅広い普及への道を開きます。

Bluetooth®︎ NLCに関する詳細はこちらをご覧ください

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Bluetooth® Networked Lighting Control (NLC) Communications Guide

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2022 Bluetooth® Market Update

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Lighting as a Platform

See how connected lighting systems are being used as a platform to enable advanced building services like wayfinding, asset tracking, and space utilization to improve the ROI of smart building investments.

Build a Smarter Building with Blue

See how Bluetooth increases reliability, reduces costs, and enhances your smart building ROI.

Bluetooth SIG tools will be offline for system upgrades from 9PM 14 March-7PM 16 March UTC.Learn more
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