Automate protocol and
profile interoperability testing.

The Bluetooth® Profile Tuning Suite (PTS) is testing software that automates compliance testing to the specified functional requirements of Bluetooth Host Parts and specifications that reside above the Host Controller Interface (HCI). The vision of the product is to provide complete and validated test coverage, of all specified functional requirements in scope, to the Bluetooth development and testing community.

Profile Tuning Suite (PTS)


Starting with PTS v8.0.0, you must select and connect to one of the available radio modules before executing PTS test cases (See PTS Help, Section ‘Connecting a Dongle’).

In addition, updates to PTS Automation API clients will be necessary (See corresponding PTS Sample Code and Documentation).

To enable support of LE Audio features, PTS introduced support for a new Bluetooth Low Energy radio module (Laird Connectivity, part number 451-00004).

PTS 8.5.4 enables integration with the Intel BE200 Bluetooth 5.4 wireless module. PTS users may use this module as a dual-mode (BR/EDR/LE) PTS dongle. Using this module requires installing the corresponding driver, which, along with the installation instructions, will soon be available for download at

The Intel BE200 Bluetooth 5.4 wireless module and the required USB adaptor and antenna assembly can be purchased here.

The following KB article explains the difference between PTS dongles, their supported features, and how to purchase them.

Important Notice:

Starting with PTS v8.5.1, PTS released support for Ellisys Bluetooth Analyzer Software. The Teledyne Bluetooth Protocol Viewer and Ellisys Bluetooth Analyzer Software can be downloaded from the PTS download page. See supporting documentation for more information.

Note: Close PTS before installing either package.

PTS 8.6.0 Now Available​​​​​

New Features & Support:

  1. Support for TCRL 2024-1
  2. Support for QPRD v3
  3. Bug Fixes
    • Multiple profiles (See PTS Release Notes for more details)

Important Notice for Legacy (BR) Profiles:

PTS v8.6.0 completes the transition to new implementations of the legacy test suites. The deprecated test suites are now labeled with “_OLD” suffix and updated versions contain no label. For example, “A2DP_OLD” is the old implementation and “A2DP” is new.

Note: These re-implemented test suites were previously available as a beta in previous versions of PTS. In previous versions of PTS, new implementations were labeled with “_NEW” and old implementations were unlabeled.

We recommend that you update your PTS Test Modules and PTS Workspace to utilize the updated versions and verify the operation of the test cases. Test suites labeled with “_OLD” will be removed within the next 6 months. If you find any issues with the new test suites please report them at

Upcoming Release(s):

The following is planned for the upcoming release(s):

  • TCRL Support
  • Adopted profile support
  • Prioritized bug fixes

Pricing and Support:

Profile Tuning Suite (PTS) and PTS Firmware Upgrade Software are free for all registered SIG members and are available for download here.

PTS testing equipment (dongle) is required to enable testing of Bluetooth Specifications and your physical device. Dual-mode dongles can be purchased here . The new LE-only radio module hardware can be obtained from authorized distributors (See PTS Help, Section ‘Purchasing the New LE Dongle’) and will require specialized firmware that is now available. Note: Laird Connectivity (LE-only) dongle does not come with PTS firmware pre-installed. To install PTS firmware, please download the ‘PTS Firmware Upgrade Software’ from the official Bluetooth download page and follow the directions in the dialog window.

The legacy BR/EDR/LE dongle can test BR/EDR and Low Energy features of Bluetooth Technology. Use it with PTS to efficiently conduct all your core host, protocol, and profile qualifications testing (requires PTSv7.0.1 or greater). The dongle also supports Bluetooth mesh networking (Two dongles are required to test with a mesh network).

For all support questions, please submit a PTS ticket here.

PTS Firmware Upgrade Software

PTS Firmware Upgrade Software v1.0.0 will enable appropriate dongle firmware upgrades as they are available for a given dongle version. 

Note: Laird Connectivity (LE-only) dongle does not come with PTS firmware pre-installed. To install PTS firmware, you will need to download the “PTS Firmware Upgrade Software” and complete the installation process. 

New Features:

PTS Dongle Firmware Upgrade Support 


PTS Firmware Upgrade Software is free for all registered SIG members and can be downloaded here. 

For all support questions, please submit a PTS ticket here. 


Profile Tuning Suite (PTS) exposes multiple interfaces to automate qualification testing. Included in the package are:
  • ImplicitSend API
  • PTSControl API
  • ETSManager API

Click here to download a zip file.

Please note Windows 7 is no longer a supported operating system for PTS since Microsoft has discontinued product support. Please contact Microsoft for appropriate system upgrade recommendations.

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