An innovator of intelligent computing, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. strives to develop comprehensive solutions that drive transformation across major industries. Building on a nearly 40-year track record of creating impactful technologies, Qualcomm delivers cutting-edge, high-performing connectivity products that help enable next-generation digital transformation.

In a recent meeting with Javier del Prado, Qualcomm VP and GM of mobile connectivity, we discussed some of the big Bluetooth® technology achievements from 2024, and he shared his insight into what we might expect from Bluetooth connectivity in the coming year.

Q&A With Javier del Prado From Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.

What do you think was the most exciting Bluetooth technology moment, innovation, or development from the past year?

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Bluetooth technology is one of the key wireless technologies in our portfolio across many market segments. We are proud to collaborate with the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) to advance the technology enabling our customers to bring innovative applications to market.

One of the most exciting moments of Bluetooth technology was the announcement of Bluetooth® Core Specification v6.0 (Bluetooth® Core 6.0). This advancement heralded the release of the Bluetooth Channel Sounding feature which unlocks incredible new, secure, precise, true distance use cases.

Bluetooth Channel Sounding is one of the most exciting features of the year. We were incredibly proud to be among the first to qualify to Bluetooth® Core 6.0 and Bluetooth Channel Sounding. We were also honored to participate in the Bluetooth Channel Sounding interoperability test events which played a key role in the adoption of the latest version of the Bluetooth Core Specification.

Ensuring a strong ecosystem of devices is essential, and we are proud to be at the forefront of both testing and certification. 

What trends in Bluetooth technology had the most significant impact in 2024?

We’ve seen an increase in precise, true distance-finding experiences like the find my use case. Also, there is a great desire for solutions that seamlessly interact with multiple devices at the same time, which is part of why we’ve prioritized using Bluetooth Channel Sounding to make these experiences come to life in smartphones.

In the retail sector, we saw the demand for creating a unified retail system of IoT devices that can seamlessly communicate and integrate into a single management platform. We’ve worked to approach the entire store ecosystem and operations in a comprehensive manner seen in our platforms and solutions.  

What has been the biggest Bluetooth connectivity demand from your customers in 2024?

In 2024, we’ve seen a notable increase in the use of Bluetooth Low Energy for IoT devices.

Because we reach a wide range of markets, each customer and application is unique. In 2024, we’ve seen a notable increase in the use of Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) for IoT devices, including growing momentum in electronic shelf label implementations. This advancement enables the creation of a unified retail system where IoT devices from various manufacturers can seamlessly communicate and integrate into a single management platform. It has the potential to revolutionize retail operations, driving efficiency, cost savings, and improved security and scalability.

Also, the demand for the Bluetooth® Core 6.0 feature set as a whole has been incredible. We’ve been excited to help our customers enable various features, including Bluetooth Channel Sounding, Encrypted Advertising Data, and Decision-Based Advertising Filtering.

Master Icon File Paper


Bluetooth® Channel Sounding: A Technical Overview

This paper provides an overview of the Bluetooth® Channel Sounding, a secure fine ranging feature that enables true distance awareness between two Bluetooth devices.


Which Bluetooth features has Qualcomm prioritized in 2024, and what will you focus on for 2025?

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Because we leverage Bluetooth technology across a myriad of markets, we have many features that we’ve focused on, including Bluetooth Channel Sounding, Bluetooth LE for IoT devices, and lossless audio.

Next year and beyond, we are looking forward to collaborating with the Bluetooth SIG to accelerate key specification projects like high data throughput, higher frequency bands, and ultra-low latency HID. We believe Bluetooth Channel Sounding will have a significant market impact in 2025. The desire to find my device or interact with multiple connected devices is growing. With Bluetooth Channel Sounding’s true distance capabilities, consumers will be able to interact with the devices around them in a seamless and meaningful way.

What new Bluetooth trends do you anticipate seeing in 2025?

We anticipate seeing Bluetooth Channel Sounding trends take off with immediate use cases like finding lost items in 2025 closely followed by use cases such as file sharing, secure access, and automatic smart home device selection. We also see Bluetooth LE bringing a breadth of new capabilities to complex retail environments that demand electronic shelf labels (ESL), digital shelf systems (DSS), and other IoT devices.

The future of Bluetooth technology is very exciting, especially for lossless and spatial LE audio.

What future opportunities do you foresee for Bluetooth technology beyond 2025?

The future of Bluetooth technology is very exciting, especially for lossless and spatial LE audio. We see opportunities in multi-device experiences and better interaction across devices as the development in Bluetooth higher data throughput, higher frequency bands, and ultra-low latency HID grows. Across the retail sector, Bluetooth technology will support pricing automation, enhanced operational efficiency, and improved customer engagement.

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Bluetooth® Channel Sounding

Bluetooth® Channel Sounding is a new secure, fine-ranging feature that promises to enhance the convenience, safety, and security of Bluetooth connected devices. By infusing billions of everyday devices with true distance awareness, Bluetooth® Channel Sounding unlocks a world of possibilities for developers, freeing them to imagine and create innovative experiences.


インテリジェントコンピューティング分野における革新のリーダーとして、Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.は、主要産業の変革を推進する包括的なソリューションの開発に注力しています。40年近くにわたり革新的な技術を生み出してきた実績を基盤に、次世代のデジタルトランスフォーメーションを実現する、最先端の高性能コネクティビティ製品を提供しています。

先日、QualcommのVP兼モバイルコネクティビティ事業本部長を務めるハビエル・デル・プラド(Javier del Prado)氏に、2024年におけるBluetooth®技術の主要な成果と2025年に向けたBluetooth接続に関する展望についてお話しを伺いました。

Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. ハビエル・デル・プラド氏インタビュー


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Bluetooth技術は、当社の製品ポートフォリオにおいて、多様な市場セグメントを支える中核的なワイヤレス技術の一つです。Bluetooth SIG(Special Interest Group)との協業を通じて技術革新を推進し、お客様による革新的なアプリケーションの市場投入を実現できていることを、大変誇りに感じています。








当社は幅広い市場に製品を提供しており、お客様のニーズも用途も多様です。2024年は特に、電子棚札(ESL)を含むIoTデバイスにおいて、Bluetooth Low Energy(LE)の採用が加速しました。Bluetooth LEにより、異なるメーカーのIoTデバイスを統合的に管理できるプラットフォームの構築が可能となり、小売業務の効率化、コスト削減、セキュリティ強化、拡張性向上を実現しています。

また、Bluetoothコア仕様バージョン6.0の各種機能全体への需要も極めて高く、Bluetoothチャネルサウンディング、Encrypted Advertising Data(アドバタイズデータの暗号化)、Decision-Based Advertising Filtering(決定ベースのアドバタイズフィルタリング)など新機能の実装支援を積極的に進めてまいりました。



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当社はBluetooth技術を多種多様な市場にわたって活用しており、Bluetoothチャネルサウンディング、IoTデバイス向けBluetooth LE、ロスレスオーディオなど、複数の重要技術の開発を進めています。

2025年以降は、Bluetooth SIGとの協業を通じて、「高データスループット」「高周波数帯域」「超低遅延HID」など、次世代の技術仕様の策定を加速してまいります。特に、Bluetoothチャネルサウンディングは2025年の市場に大きなインパクトをもたらすと予測しています。紛失防止や複数デバイス接続に関する需要が高まる中、Bluetoothチャネルサウンディングにより、ユーザーは正確な距離認識機能があれば、周囲のデバイスとより自然な形で連携できるようになります。


Bluetoothチャネルサウンディングは、まず紛失防止など直ちに展開できるユースケースで普及し、その後ファイル共有、セキュアアクセス、スマートホームデバイスの自動選択など、より高度な用途へと発展すると考えています。また、Bluetooth LEは、電子棚札(ESL)やデジタルシェルフシステム(DSS)など、その他のIoTデバイスを必要とする複雑なリテール環境にさまざまな新機能をもたらすと予想しています。


Bluetooth技術の将来性には大きな期待を寄せています。特にLE Audioにおけるロスレスオーディオと空間オーディオは、大きな可能性を秘めています。高データスループット、高周波数帯域、超低遅延HIDの発展により、マルチデバイス環境におけるデバイス間の連携向上に商機が生まれると考えています。小売分野では、Bluetooth技術は価格表示の自動化、業務効率の向上、顧客エンゲージメントの強化を実現する技術として、さらなる進化を遂げていくでしょう。

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