From networked lighting control to monitoring systems to electronic shelf labels (ESL), Bluetooth® Device Network solutions in home, commercial, or other environments can reliably and securely connect tens, hundreds, or thousands of devices within a network. Analysts at ABI Research forecast a 2.63x growth in annual Bluetooth Device Network device shipments over the next five years – from 7.7 million to 1.63 billion annual shipments.

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Bluetooth Networked Lighting Control

Networked lighting control systems feature an intelligent network of individually addressable and sensor-rich luminaires and control devices that allows each component of the system to send and receive data. Bluetooth® Networked Lighting Control systems are deployed in offices, retail, healthcare, factories, and other commercial facilities to deliver a combination of energy savings, an enhanced occupant experience, and more efficient building operations.

According to ABI Research, Bluetooth® Networked Lighting Control is experiencing mainstream traction. The proliferation of LEDs, a desire for greater energy efficiency, faster deployment capabilities, and a higher-quality occupant experience are driving the demand for Bluetooth commercial networked lighting control solutions.

115 cagr of bluetooth networked lighting control devices over the next five years


The Bluetooth® Market Update

The Bluetooth® Market Update provides updated forecasts and trends in key Bluetooth solution areas and highlights Bluetooth use cases that will drive future growth.


Bluetooth Electronic Shelf Labels

With the introduction of a wireless standard for the electronic shelf label (ESL) market, Bluetooth® technology is helping unlock the next phase in retail digital transformation to deliver better outcomes for both stores and shoppers. Electronic shelf labels provide always-accurate pricing, increased access to real-time promotions and product information, and a more gratifying and cohesive omnichannel experience. 

Retailers can use electronic shelf labels to streamline picking and fulfillment for click and collect shoppers while also accelerating shelf replenishments to optimize product availability on shelves and avoid missed sales. “Retailers are increasingly looking towards IoT technologies to help deliver operational efficiencies, increase conversion, and to encourage customers to return to stores in the post-COVID-19 landscape,” said Andrew Zignani, ABI Research. 

334 million bluetooth electronic shelf label devices will ship by 2027

Condition Monitoring

Bluetooth® condition monitoring is driving greater sensorization.  Machines and equipment used in the manufacturing processes are already being monitored by large networks of wireless sensors, and more vendors in industrial settings are increasingly looking to maximize condition monitoring benefits, such as preventive and predictive maintenance that can help avoid costly repairs. Analysts anticipate seeing a long tail of use cases within this segment as more companies leverage a wide range of condition monitoring solutions.

Learn more about market forecasts and trends for Bluetooth Device Networks in the Bluetooth Market Update.

See the full report.

32 million bluetooth condition monitoring solutions will be implemented by 2026


The Bluetooth® Market Update

The Bluetooth® Market Update provides updated forecasts and trends in key Bluetooth solution areas and highlights Bluetooth use cases that will drive future growth.



ネットワーク照明制御から監視システム、そして電子棚札(ESL)に至るまで、自宅や商業施設、その他の環境における Bluetooth®︎ デバイスネットワークソリューションは、高い信頼性と安全性を担保しつつ、ネットワーク内にある数十台、数百台、数千台のデバイスの接続を可能にします。

ABI リサーチ社のアナリストによると、今後5年間におけるBluetooth デバイスネットワーク機器の年間出荷台数は2.63倍に成長し、7億7千万台から16億3千万台への増加が予測されます。








小売業者にとっては、クリック&コレクトの買い物客対応におけるピッキングと配送を合理化する一方で、棚の補充を加速させ、商品在庫を最適化して、販売機会の逸失を防ぐことが可能になります。「小売企業は、新型コロナウイルス流行後の商環境において、業務効率化を実現し、コンバージョンを高め、店舗への顧客の再訪を促すための支援策として、IoT技術への期待を高めています」とABIリサーチのAndrew Zignaniは述べています。






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