Hearing Aid 3 Deconstructed hero

The GN Group – a Danish organization that drives the design and manufacture of intelligent hearing, audio, video, and gaming solutions – maintains a legacy of pioneering a wide range of audio solutions, including Bluetooth® headsets, made-for-iPhone hearing aids with direct stereo sound streaming, all-in-one earbuds with advanced hearing technology, and 2.4GHz technology in hearing aids for direct connectivity. Available in over 100 countries, their portfolio of audio products and services includes brands like Jabra, ReSound, SteelSeries, Beltone, Interton, BlueParrott, Danavox, and FalCom.

I recently had a chance to meet with Scott Davis, president of the hearing division at GN, to discuss Bluetooth® achievements from 2024 and what they expect to see from Bluetooth connectivity in 2025

Q&A With Scott Davis, President of the Hearing Division at GN

As you look back on 2024, what do you think was the most exciting Bluetooth technology moment, innovation, or development?

In 2024, we were thrilled to integrate Bluetooth® LE Audio and Auracast™ broadcast audio into our full ReSound Nexia hearing aid portfolio, enabling seamless connectivity and exceptional sound quality. The integration of Auracast™ broadcast audio opened new possibilities by not only improving accessibility but also enriching everyday experiences for people with hearing loss.

What were some of the biggest Bluetooth highlights or standout moments for GN in 2024?

We witnessed firsthand the remarkable impact of Auracast™ broadcast audio streaming audio directly to hearing aids.

2024 brought a truly exciting moment for our company in the realm of Bluetooth LE Audio. We witnessed firsthand the remarkable impact of Auracast™ broadcast audio streaming audio directly to hearing aids. The sound quality achieved was exceptional, comparable to high-end dedicated streamers. What truly set this apart was the consistent, reliable performance observed throughout a live performance.

Uninterrupted, high-fidelity stereo sound was delivered without any significant issues. Remarkably, even individuals with typical hearing preferred this listening method. The direct streaming significantly enhanced speech clarity and minimized the impact of the room’s acoustics. The potential of this technology is immense, as evidenced by the overwhelmingly positive feedback from participants. One participant with hearing loss even expressed a renewed interest in attending live performances because of this technology. This experience solidified our belief that we are on the verge of transforming how people enjoy audio, particularly in challenging listening environments.

Which notable Bluetooth success stories or case studies can share from this year?

We’ve heard countless stories from ReSound Nexia users who are experiencing the benefits of Auracast™ broadcast audio. One standout moment was our participation in The Auracast™ Experience at IFA. This event provided a valuable platform to showcase our latest Bluetooth technology. Attendees were consistently enthusiastic about the listening experience provided by the Auracast™ demonstrations.

We received numerous inquiries about the GN Multi Mic+ and the GN TV Streamer+, highlighting the strong interest in our product ecosystem. Showcasing these products within the context of The Auracast™ Experience offered unique insights into the real-world benefits of streaming to multiple personal devices. The positive reception reinforces the value of this technology and informs our future plans, which include similar demonstrations showcasing our hearing aids in diverse listening situations and environments.

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The Perfect Fit for an Auracast™ Retrofit

Learn about Auracast™ broadcast audio retrofit solutions and opportunities.


How did advancements in Bluetooth technology impact GN in 2024?

Advancements in Bluetooth® LE Audio…have reshaped our product development roadmap and allowed us to redefine the possibilities for our hearing aids.

Advancements in Bluetooth® LE Audio, particularly with Auracast™ broadcast audio, have reshaped our product development roadmap and allowed us to redefine the possibilities for our hearing aids. We have leveraged these advancements to enhance the user experience significantly across our ReSound Nexia hearing aid family, providing features that deliver exceptional audio experiences and improve the lives of people with hearing loss. This helped us drive greater customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.

Which Bluetooth trends had the most significant impact on GN in 2024, and how did you respond to them?

The trend towards more robust, low-latency audio streaming has been crucial for us. At GN, we pride ourselves on hearing aid innovation, especially in Bluetooth connectivity. Our dedication to advancing Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) technology inspired us to create proprietary protocols for audio transmission on both MFI and Android platforms, allowing direct phone connections.

However, a lack of an industry standard was slowing down the adoption of Bluetooth connectivity in hearing aids, disadvantaging users. GN helped initiate a hearing aid working group, understanding the value of an industry-standard protocol for enhancing accessibility not just for hearing aid users but for everyone. GN has been dedicated to developing Bluetooth LE Audio, underscoring our commitment to fostering innovation and accessibility in the hearing aid sector and allowing us to stay ahead in the competitive landscape and cater effectively to user demands.

What has been the biggest demand from your customers as it relates to Bluetooth technology for 2024?

Hearing aid users…value the convenience and reliability of Bluetooth® technology for streaming audio from their personal devices.

Direct connectivity to devices is a top-three satisfaction driver for hearing aid users. Users want seamless integration with multiple devices, which is why the Auracast™ technology has resonated so well in our products. Users are increasingly looking for solutions that enhance their ability to effortlessly interact with the world around them.

Hearing aid users also continue to value the convenience and reliability of Bluetooth technology for streaming audio from their personal devices. We are constantly working to optimize this experience and ensure seamless integration with a wide range of devices.

Which Bluetooth innovations has GN been focused on this year, and what will you focus on in 2025?

In 2024, our focus has been on optimizing the user experience with Auracast™ technology and expanding our product offerings. We also prioritized educating hearing care professionals about the benefits of this groundbreaking innovation.

In 2025, we will continue to refine and expand the capabilities of Auracast™ broadcast audio in our hearing aids. We will also explore new applications for Bluetooth technology and focus on enhancing the overall user experience. Personalization and seamless connectivity will remain key priorities.

What future opportunities do you foresee for Bluetooth technology as it continues to evolve post 2025?

Bluetooth® technology will play a crucial role in the development of next-generation hearing solutions and assistive listening technologies. We see immense potential for Bluetooth technology to further enhance accessibility and create more inclusive environments for people with hearing loss. As the technology continues to evolve, we envision a future where audio is seamlessly integrated into our daily lives, enhancing communication, entertainment, and overall well-being.

We anticipate seeing wider adoption of Auracast™ broadcast audio globally with trends centered around enhanced interoperability and smart integrations. Its ability to facilitate multi-user audio experiences sets a new standard for hearing aids. As more devices support this feature, we anticipate that the demand for hearing aids with such capabilities will surge, driving innovation and adoption in our industry.

We are excited to be at the forefront of this innovation and contribute to a more connected and accessible world.


Auracast™ Broadcast Audio

Auracast™ broadcast audio will deliver life-changing audio experiences that will enhance the way you engage with others and the world around you.


GNグループはインテリジェントな補聴・オーディオ・ビデオ・ゲーム機器を設計、製造するデンマーク企業で、長年にわたりオーディオソリューションを幅広く開拓してきた伝統を今も守り続けています。その製品には、Bluetooth®ヘッドセットをはじめ、ステレオ音声を直接ストリーミングできAppleによる基準を満たした「Made for iPhone」(MFI)補聴器、高度な補聴技術を備えたオールインワンイヤホンに加え、補聴器の直接接続のための2.4GHz技術などがあります。100カ国以上で販売される同社のオーディオ製品やサービスには、Jabra、ReSound、SteelSeries、Beltone、Interton、BlueParrott、Danavox、FalComなどのブランドが名を連ねます。

先日、GNのヒアリング部門プレジデントを務めるスコット・デイビス(Scott Davis)氏にお会いし、Bluetooth®に関連する同社の2024年の主な成果と、2025年のBluetooth接続に関する展望についてお話を伺いました。

Hearing Aid 3 Deconstructed hero



2024年は、Bluetooth® LE AudioAuracastブロードキャスト オーディオを当社のReSound Nexiaシリーズの補聴器すべてに搭載し、シームレスな接続と極めて優れた音質を実現できたことを非常に嬉しく思っています。Auracastブロードキャスト オーディオの搭載により、聴覚に障害がある人々にとって、アクセシビリティ向上だけでなく日常の体験を豊かにする新しい可能性が開かれます。


2024年は当社にとってBluetooth LE Audioに関する分野で、飛躍的な年になりました。なぜなら、Auracast™ ブロードキャスト オーディオによって音声を補聴器に直接ストリーミングすることがどれほど大きなインパクトをもたらすかを、実際に目の当たりにしたからです。ハイエンドな専用ストリーマーに匹敵する、格別の音質を得られました。何より際立っていたのは、生のパフォーマンス全体にわたり、安定し、信頼できる動作が確認できたことです。



ReSound Nexiaのユーザーの皆様から、Auracastブロードキャスト オーディオのメリットについて数えきれないくらいたくさんのお声をいただいています。特に印象深い出来事は、当社が参加したIFAでのAuracast Experienceです。このイベントは、当社の最新のBluetooth技術を披露する貴重な場となりました。来場者の皆様は一貫して、Auracastのデモンストレーションを通じた聴覚体験に非常に高い関心と熱狂的な興味を示してくださいました。

GN Multi Mic+とGN TV Streamer+についてもたくさんのお問い合わせをいただき、当社の製品エコシステムに対する関心の高さがうかがえます。Auracast Experienceの中でこれらの製品を披露できたことで、複数の個人用デバイスにストリーミングを行うことの実用的なメリットを、他にはない方法で伝えることができました。好評な反応はこの技術の価値を実証するものとなりました。当社では、音を聞く際に想定される多種多様な状況・環境での当社補聴器のデモンストレーションを含め、今後の計画の参考としたいと考えています。


Bluetooth® LE Audioの進歩は当社の製品開発ロードマップを大きく変え、当社の補聴器の潜在的な可能性について定義し直すことを可能にしました。

Bluetooth® LE Audioの進歩、特にAuracastブロードキャスト オーディオは、当社の製品開発ロードマップを大きく変え、私たちの補聴器の潜在的な可能性について定義し直すことを可能にしました。これらの進歩で補聴器のReSound Nexiaシリーズ全体にわたるユーザー体験を大幅に拡充し、極めて優れたオーディオ体験を実現しすることで、聴覚障害のある方々の生活向上に役立つ機能を提供しています。これによって、より高い顧客満足度とブランドロイヤリティの促進が実現しています。


当社にとって極めて重要だったのは、より堅牢で低遅延オーディオストリーミングを目指すトレンドです。GNでは補聴器における革新の歴史に誇りを持っており、特にBluetooth接続に関しては強い思いを持っています。当社が持つBluetooth LE技術を前進させることへの熱意が、MFIとAndroidの両プラットフォームでの音声伝送の独自プロトコルの開発へと結実し、電話との直接接続が実現しました。

しかしながら、業界標準がないために、補聴器におけるBluetooth接続の普及は迅速に進まず、ユーザーのメリットが損なわれていました。当社は、補聴器ユーザーにとどまらず、すべての人のアクセシビリティ向上に向けた業界標準の重要性を理解しており、そのため補聴器ワーキンググループの立ち上げに協力しました。GNはBluetooth LE Audioの開発に尽力してきました。それによって、補聴器分野での革新とアクセシビリティの促進に対する当社の決意を強く示すと同時に、競争の激しい分野において当社が先行してユーザーの需要に効果的に応えることも可能にしています。







2025年も引き続き、当社の補聴器におけるAuracastブロードキャスト オーディオ機能をより洗練させ、強化していきます。また、Bluetooth技術の新しい応用方法を探り、全体的なユーザー体験向上に努めます。パーソナライゼーションとシームレスな接続が、引き続き主な重点項目となるでしょう。



Auracastブロードキャスト オーディオは世界的に普及が拡大し、特に相互運用性の強化とスマートな統合がトレンドの中心となるでしょう。複数ユーザーでのオーディオ体験の促進は、補聴器の新たな標準となります。この機能に対応するデバイスが増えるにつれ、こうした機能を持つ補聴器に対する需要も急速に拡大し、補聴器業界における革新と普及を推進すると予想しています。


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