While we are in the early stages of adoption for Bluetooth® Channel Sounding, the unique presence of Bluetooth technology in platform devices and connected devices alike has the potential to significantly expand the current market presence of distance awareness across consumer, enterprise, and industrial settings. Meanwhile, the ability to provide centimeter-level accuracy, sufficient for most fine-ranging use cases, without the need to embed an additional radio or significantly impact power consumption, makes Bluetooth® Channel Sounding a compelling proposition when compared to alternative fine-ranging technologies such as UWB.  While UWB may offer even higher accuracy and reduced latency, there are also potential trade-offs in terms of the cost of integrating an additional radio, more limited support within mobile and platform devices, and higher overall power consumption.

With nearly eight billion Bluetooth enabled devices forecasted to ship in 2029 alone, the opportunities are significant. Bluetooth® Channel Sounding can address a wide range of fine-ranging applications while being easy and cost effective to deploy. The enhanced centimeter-level accuracy of Bluetooth® Channel Sounding has the potential to also create new innovative features for Bluetooth® LE-enabled devices, including human-interface devices (HID), proximity interactions and automation, and human-machine interface (HMI).

Find My solutions

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Since the arrival of Bluetooth® Low Energy (LE) in 2010, one of the most notable applications for the technology from a positioning perspective has been battery-powered personal trackers. Here, dedicated tags can be attached or inserted into a variety of personal items, such as wallets and purses, backpacks, bicycles, phone and tablet cases, luggage, keys, instrument cases, pets, and other valuable or sentimental items. By leveraging Bluetooth® Channel Sounding, users can now more accurately find lost items by knowing if they are heading closer or further away from their item, down to the centimeter level. This can help to improve the user experience by making it easier, more intuitive, and quicker to find these lost items.

Arguably more exciting is that with the arrival of Bluetooth® Channel Sounding, almost any Bluetooth® LE-enabled device with a compatible chipset can be tracked more accurately without the need to embed a separate tag. For example, Bluetooth® LE-enabled remote controls, audio devices, connected toys, and game console controllers could all provide enhanced distance awareness without the need for additional dedicated hardware.

As more and more Bluetooth platform devices integrate Find My capabilities, the rollout of Bluetooth® Channel Sounding enabled connected devices can significantly expand the scale and accuracy of Find My and Find My Device networks, enabling a huge network of Bluetooth Find My devices from which lost items can be more readily located.

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How Bluetooth® Channel Sounding Will Shape the Future of Device Positioning

This market research note explores how Bluetooth® Channel Sounding is set to transform wireless positioning technology by enabling secure, centimeter-level distance measurements.


Digital key solutions

RSSI-based Bluetooth® LE digital key solutions have existed for some time. Both Bluetooth® LE-enabled fobs and phone-as-key solutions can be used to lock and unlock doors, gates and garages, bicycle locks, safes, cabinet, and drawer locks, among other devices. Bluetooth® Channel Sounding provides an additional layer of protection against man-in-the-middle relay attacks, removing a key area of concern when adopting Bluetooth technology for digital key and access control solutions, compared with UWB, while also providing sufficient accuracy and low enough latency for most deployment scenarios.

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Today, there is strong momentum for multi-protocol access control solutions, particularly in the automotive space, with the backing of the Car Connectivity Consortium and its Digital Key Release 3.0 Specification, which combines UWB, Bluetooth® LE, and NFC. Similarly, the unveiling of Aliro from the Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA) in 2023 aims to standardize the communication protocol between access readers and user devices such as smartphones, wearables, and other devices to provide a more convenient and consistent experience for access control. Meanwhile, other organizations, such as the Intelligent Connected Car Open Alliance (ICCOA) and Intelligent Connected Car Ecosystem Alliance (ICCE) in China, are also investigating a similar approach to the CCC, combining UWB, Bluetooth® LE, and NFC technology.

However, given that UWB is not yet a ubiquitous technology and the fact that it will come at additional cost and complexity, many in the industry believe that OEMs, outside of the high-end and premium tiers of the market, will view Bluetooth® Channel Sounding as a viable, cost-effective solution for automotive, home, and building access, taking advantage of the ubiquity of Bluetooth® LE technology in smartphones and other devices. Therefore, Bluetooth® Channel Sounding has the potential to help scale up digital key and phone-as-key deployments across automotive, home, enterprise, and industrial access control use cases.

In addition to standalone Bluetooth® Channel Sounding digital-key solutions, Bluetooth® Channel Sounding will also likely have a complementary role to play with UWB technology, with access control solutions potentially leveraging Bluetooth® Channel Sounding to determine distance when the user is further away, and hand over to UWB for unlocking and in-cabin use cases. Here, the use of Bluetooth® Channel Sounding could further reduce the power consumption of access control solutions that utilize UWB.

Asset tracking

Bluetooth® Channel Sounding can bring significant performance and security enhancements to indoor asset-tracking applications while also enabling some reduced complexity deployments when compared with previous solutions. In enterprise environments, such as hospitals, personnel can leverage smartphones to track high-value equipment more readily, improving productivity and preventing the loss of critical assets.

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In retail environments, high-value equipment can be equipped with dedicated Bluetooth® Channel Sounding tags and send alerts when they are moved out of specified areas. In warehouse environments or construction sites, personnel can track Bluetooth® Channel Sounding-enabled tools without needing to install a more complex RTLS infrastructure with multiple locators.

Other high-value assets can activate alarms if they are suddenly moved outside of their predetermined location, preventing theft. These solutions can complement more scalable asset-tracking implementations based on RSSI and AoA/AoD to help track hundreds to thousands of assets.

In addition, Bluetooth® Channel Sounding can be combined with other techniques, such as direction finding, to enable even further accuracy and security to their asset tracking platforms.

Human-interface devices (HID)

By offering centimeter-level distance measurement capabilities, a whole host of peripheral and accessory devices can now accurately determine their relative position from platform devices such as smartphones, PCs, tablets, and smart TVs. Devices such as mice, keyboards, and controllers could automatically switch between active and inactive states as they approach or are separated from the source PC. For example, when someone picks up their laptop to use it, an active wireless keyboard or mouse may turn inactive once the laptop moves from a pre-configured distance away from them. Alternatively, someone placing their game controller next to their laptop could activate it. This could help to improve the end-user experience while extending the battery life of those devices

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How Bluetooth® Channel Sounding Will Shape the Future of Device Positioning

This market research note explores how Bluetooth® Channel Sounding is set to transform wireless positioning technology by enabling secure, centimeter-level distance measurements.


Proximity interactions and automation

Another potential application for Bluetooth® Channel Sounding is the ability for a platform device to detect proximity to an end user’s smartphone or smartwatch and automatically lock or unlock the screen once they come within a certain threshold. For example, a user equipped with a Bluetooth® Channel Sounding-enabled smartwatch could approach their PC and have it automatically unlock and then lock again once they move a certain distance away. This could also potentially detect who is using the PC and switch between their login profiles.

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Bluetooth® Channel Sounding could enable a whole host of innovative user experiences to support proximity/geofencing-based automation. For example, holding a smartphone close to a home appliance could bring up a relevant control panel automatically rather than searching through the installed apps on the device. Much like door locks, other equipment such as lighting, audio devices, and thermostats may also be able to respond to a person’s presence in different rooms. This could be used to personalize the environment to the user’s specific preferences.

In hospital settings, personnel could access patient records automatically on their device as they visit them. Usage restrictions could also be set to prevent unauthorized users from interacting with assets, appliances, or equipment unless somebody with the right credentials is near the device. This same technology can also help ensure a smooth device onboarding and provisioning process based on proximity.

Human-machine interface (HMI)

Conversely, there may be use cases in which personnel safety can be enhanced by only enabling the operation of potentially dangerous equipment or machinery once the user is a safe distance away. For example, HMIs that operate robotics, machinery, appliances, and tools within commercial and industrial environments could benefit from Bluetooth® Channel Sounding’s ability to more accurately determine their position compared to RSSI solutions, guaranteeing they are at the required distance from the equipment to operate it safely.

The future of Bluetooth Channel Sounding

Given the early lifecycle of Bluetooth® Channel Sounding technology, it is too soon to predict what new types of use cases and device types may emerge over time. Some other potential future use cases may include self-optimization and configuration of devices, such as Bluetooth smart lighting, to help optimize system performance. With the ubiquitous presence of Bluetooth® LE in smartphones and other platforms, ABI Research expects that many new use cases will emerge as the rollout Bluetooth® Channel Sounding accelerates in the coming years.

Learn more about How Bluetooth® Channel Sounding Will Shape the Future of Device Positioning.

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Bluetooth® Channel Sounding

Bluetooth® Channel Sounding is a new secure, fine-ranging feature that promises to enhance the convenience, safety, and security of Bluetooth connected devices. By infusing billions of everyday devices with true distance awareness, Bluetooth® Channel Sounding unlocks a world of possibilities for developers, freeing them to imagine and create innovative experiences.



2029年単年でBluetooth対応デバイスの年間出荷台数が80億台近くに上ることが予想される中、大きなビジネスチャンスも期待できます。Bluetooth®チャネルサウンディングは、幅広い種類の高精度測位アプリケーションに対応できるだけでなく、導入は容易かつ高いコスト効果で実現できます。Bluetooth®チャネルサウンディングで強化されたセンチメートル単位の精度によって、HID(ヒューマンインターフェースデバイス)、近接インタラクションおよびオートメーション、HMI(ヒューマンマシンインターフェース)をはじめ、Bluetooth LEデバイスにこれまでなかった革新的な機能が実現できる可能性があります。


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2010年にBluetooth® LEが登場して以来、測位機能の活用という点で最も主なものはバッテリー駆動の紛失防止トラッカーでした。これは、財布やハンドバッグ、バックパック、自転車、電話・タブレットのケース、スーツケース、鍵、楽器ケース、ペット、その他の貴重品や思い入れのある品に付けることのできる、専用タグです。Bluetooth®チャネルサウンディングでは、センチメートル単位で探し物に近づいているか離れているかがわかるため、より正確に紛失物を探すことができます。紛失物をより簡単に、直感的に、すばやく見つけられるようにすることで、ユーザー体験が向上します。

さらに、Bluetooth®チャネルサウンディングの登場によって、対応チップセットのBluetooth LEデバイスであればほぼすべての場合に別のタグを埋め込むことなく、今まで以上に正確なトラッキングが行えるようになりました。例えば、Bluetooth LE対応のリモコン、オーディオ機器、コネクテッド玩具、ゲームコントローラに、専用のハードウェアを追加することなく、より強力な距離認識機能を持たせることができます。



 RSSIに基づいたBluetooth LEのデジタルキーは以前からありました。Bluetooth LEを用いたリモコンキーやスマホキーは、ドア、門、車庫、自転車、金庫、戸棚、引き出しなどの施錠・解錠に使用できます。Bluetooth®チャネルサウンディングは中間者攻撃(MITM攻撃)に対する守りの層を厚くし、UWBに比べ、デジタルキーやアクセス制御にBluetooth技術を採用する際の主な懸念を払拭しながら、利用シナリオの大部分で十分に高い正確性と低い遅延性を実現します。

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現在、マルチプロトコルのアクセス制御ソリューションの勢いが高まっています。特に自動車分野では、CCC(カー・コネクティビティ・コンソーシアム)と、UWB、Bluetooth LE、NFCを組み合わせたCCCデジタルキー・リリース3.0仕様がその勢いを後押ししています。同様に、CSA(コネクティビティ・スタンダード・アライアンス)が2023年に公開したAliroは、アクセス制御における利便性と一貫性のある使用感を狙い、アクセス制御側の読み取り装置とスマートフォン、ウェアラブルなどのユーザーデバイスとの間の通信プロトコルの標準化を図っています。その一方で、中国のICCOA(インテリジェント・カー・コネクティビティ・オープン・アライアンス)およびICCE(インテリジェント・カー・コネクティビティ・インダストリー・エコシステム・アライアンス)などの他の組織でも、UWB、Bluetooth LE、NFCの技術を組み合わせた、CCCと同様のアプローチを検討中です。

しかしながら、UWBの普及がまだ完全ではなく、その採用がコスト増と複雑化につながることから、ハイエンドおよびプレミアム層以外の多くのメーカーが自動車、住宅、ビルのアクセス制御にBluetooth®チャネルサウンディングを現実的でコスト効果の高い選択肢と考え、スマートフォンをはじめ各種デバイスに広く搭載されるBluetooth®︎ LE技術を利用するだろう、というのが業界の大方の見解です。Bluetooth®チャネルサウンディングは、自動車、住宅、企業、産業のアクセス制御においてデジタルキーおよびスマホキーの展開拡大に貢献する可能性を持っています。




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Bluetooth®チャネルサウンディング技術がまだ初期段階にあることを考えると、今後どのような種類のユースケースやデバイスが登場するかを予測するには時期尚早です。将来的なユースケースとして可能性があるものとして、例えばBluetoothスマート照明などでシステムのパフォーマンス最適化を図るため、デバイスが自己最適化および自己設定を行うことが考えられます。スマートフォンをはじめとするプラットフォームでBluetooth LEが広く普及していることから、ABI Researchでは今後Bluetooth®チャネルサウンディングの普及が加速するに従い、数多くのユースケースが新たに登場すると予想しています。


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