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In an increasingly interconnected world, language barriers continue to pose significant challenges for global communication and cultural exchange. Toshiba, a long-standing promoter company in the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), is pioneering innovative solutions that combine AI simultaneous interpretation with Auracast™ broadcast audio technology, creating new possibilities for breaking down language barriers in public spaces and educational settings.

I recently spoke with Mr. Koji Kurose from Toshiba Information Systems (Japan) Corporation about how their work with Auracast™ broadcast audio is transforming the way we experience and share information across languages. As both a hardware and software solutions provider in this space, Toshiba offers unique insight into how Bluetooth® technology is enabling a future where language differences no longer impede global connection and understanding.

Q&A With Mr. Koji Kurose From Toshiba

What has been your involvement in the development of an Auracast™ solution?

As a promoter company in the Bluetooth SIG, we provide hardware engineering work on the transmitter side and Bluetooth assistants on the smartphone side so that manufacturers can participate in projects using Auracast™ solutions.

Bluetooth® technology is enabling a future where language differences no longer impede global connection and understanding.

What influence will Auracast™ solutions have on the consumer market?

As an engineering company, we provide both hardware and software support to help customers and users achieve the desired functionality in their Auracast™ solution, including broadcast, multi-stream, and low latency functionality.

To help people understand these features, we demonstrated AI simultaneous interpretation into multiple languages to show that the world has become a place where words spoken at any time, extemporaneously or atypically, can be simultaneously translated into various languages and, thanks to Auracast™ broadcast audio, can be broadcasted in public facilities and educational settings. We believe that this kind of usage will not only help inbound travelers to have a better experience in Japan, but will also encourage many people to venture out into the world despite language barriers.

What has been the reaction of people who have experienced the Auracast™ translation solution?

Most were surprised to learn that the response time is as fast as that of a human simultaneous interpreter, that they can freely choose from multiple broadcasts, and that AI translation is now available.

We received reports of users noticing the distinctive audio latency improvements that Auracast™ broadcast audio provides, and there is growing excitement around how everyday audio devices can now help overcome language barriers, which have long been a challenge for many people raised in Japan who seek to work internationally. As Auracast™ broadcast audio becomes more widespread, it will enable more and more people to speak in their preferred language while being translated in real time into the language preferred by their listeners, breaking new ground in the future of interpersonal communication.

Why did you choose Auracast™ broadcast audio over other wireless technologies?

“Auracast™ broadcast audio allows us to share our audio with friends and loved ones around us.”

Bluetooth technology is already in smartphones around the world, making it easy for anyone to use. And, with Auracast™ broadcast audio, multiple channels can be used with low latency. Furthermore, we believe that Bluetooth technology is the only choice in this area, where simultaneous responses are required from everyone.

What role do you think Bluetooth technology will play in the future of audio technology as a whole?

When listening to music, Bluetooth technology frees us from the constraints of cables, and active noise canceling provides an even more immersive experience. In addition to immersion, Auracast™ broadcast audio will allow us to share our audio with friends and loved ones around us. In the future, Bluetooth technology will make it possible to switch between immersive and realistic experiences as needed, and AI voice assistance will be used to detect danger and obtain information in advance to better support people on the go. 


Auracast™ Broadcast Audio

Auracast™ broadcast audio will deliver life-changing audio experiences that will enhance the way you engage with others and the world around you.


Auracast Airport 3 Hero

人々の交流が世界中へと広がるなか、言語の壁は、依然としてコミュニケーションと文化的な関わりにおいて大きな課題となっています。Bluetooth Special Interest Group(SIG)で長年プロモーター企業として貢献してきた株式会社東芝は、AI自動翻訳とAuracast™ ブロードキャスト オーディオ技術を組み合わせた革新的なソリューションを業界に先駆けて開発し、公共の場や教育現場に言語の壁を打ち破る新たな可能性をもたらしています。

先日、日本の東芝情報システム株式会社の黒瀬浩史氏とお会いし、Auracast™ ブロードキャスト オーディオを活用した同社のソリューションが、どのようにしてさまざまな言語の間で情報を共有する方法を一変させるかについてのお話を伺いました。同社はこの領域でハードウェア、ソフトウェアの両方を提供しています。言語の違いがグローバルな交流と理解の妨げにならない未来の実現に向けBluetooth®技術ができることについて、同社ならではの視点から語っていただきました。


Q: Auracast™ ソリューションの開発にはどのような形で関わられましたか?


Q: Auracast™ ブロードキャスト オーディオは、御社のソリューションにどのような形で活用されていますか? また、御社のソリューションが消費者市場に与える影響はどのようなものになると予想されますか?



Q: 新しいソリューションを使用・体験した人々の反応はどのようなものでしたか?


Auracast™ ブロードキャスト オーディオによって実現する低遅延に対する肯定的な反応があり、また、日本の多くの人々にとって海外で活動する際に高いハードルとなっていた言語の壁を、日常のオーディオ機器を使って超えられる未来が実現しつつあることに心躍るという反応が聞かれました。Auracastがいっそう普及することによって、自分の話したい言語で話しながら、相手にとって聞きたい言語でリアルタイムに伝えるという、これまでにない人と人とのコミュニケーションの未来の形が実現すると考えています。

Q: 他の無線技術ではなくBluetoothテクノロジーを選択したのはどのような理由からですか?


Q:  オーディオ技術全体の未来について考えた際に、Bluetoothテクノロジーが果たす役割はどのようなものになるとお考えですか?



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